Dirar to Syria Files: SDF Not Authorized to Sign Oil Contracts, Russia is Assad’s Guarantor

By Batoul Al-Hakim
Riad Dirar, the co-chair of the Syrian Democratic Council, has revealed in a phone call interview with Syrian Files that there is no written agreement in the oil deal between Crescent Energy and the SDF, and that the statements issued by American officials did not come from the Autonomous Administration of North and East Syria.
Dirar hinted that, because of the Caesar Act, they will not be dealing with the regime when it comes to oil. He criticized Russia for siding with the regime and putting pressure on the Autonomous Administration to make concessions, saying that the SDF is aiming for all Syrians to choose a political solution, without antagonizing any party on Syrian territory, including Turkey.
“Syria Files” conducted the following interview with Riad Dirar:
What is the legal basis for your independent extraction of oil and your partnership with foreign parties despite not being part of the Syrian state?
We are in exceptional circumstances. The regime was the first to disregard sovereignty in exchange for allies, and therefore those who liberated the areas controlled by the Islamic State (ISIS) are entitled to negotiate their rights within the unified Syrian state. In the absence of an elected government to rule over Syria, all economic development, achievement, or agreement is within the jurisdiction of the Autonomous Administration, in the absence of an elected government to rule over Syria.
Has the SDF actually signed contracts?
I am not aware of any signed contracts about oil. I want to make it clear that the SDF is not authorized to sign oil contracts, the Autonomous Administration is, since the Syrian Democratic Forces do not have civil contracts. I believe that consultations between all parts of the administration regarding this contract is underway. The issue of the oil deal is under discussion, and it has not reached the stage of signed agreements yet.
Has Washington promised you exemptions from the Caesar Oil Export Act?
It is known that the act is targeting the regime, its gangs and supporters, to pressure it to sit at the negotiation table towards achieving a political solution. Thus, obstructing any support for the regime is part of the act’s policy. The Administration used to deal with all Syrians, whether in oil or agricultural products, which benefited everyone. However, we are now forced to avoid the Caesar Act. A contact with representatives of the American administration in the region was made and we were granted an exception. We will try to help all Syrians as best as we can, but we are not going to help the regime and expose the region to sanctions. We are not in a position to risk it while we are under siege.
You talked about an economic recovery for the people if the project is completed. What are your plans for growth?
As long as the conflict continues in Syria, we will need to complete all projects that contribute to the development of the region, in order to be able to face the difficult life conditions. Any growth achieved by these contracts will be reflected in the livelihoods and economic stability for the people of the region, who will be able to benefit from it until the Syrian-Syrian accord is achieved, and Syria is once again united with its wealth back in the hands of its people.
Why is Deir Ezzor not governed by an Arab administration, especially since most of its residents are Arabs?
When the Kurds came to liberate Deir Ezzor from the Islamic State, it did not matter whether the people of the region were Arabs or Kurds, they only cared about liberating a Syrian region from terrorism. The Arabs of Deir Ezzor should join in the region’s achievements as Syrians. The diversity of our society has always been a source of pride for everyone, which in the spirit of cooperation, acquaintance, and democracy, will benefit and protect the interests of everyone.
How are PYD leaders in contact with the regime while at the same time attacking and supplying it with oil?
It is not the PYD but the Syrian Democratic Council who is negotiating with the regime. However, the negotiation that took place twice in Damascus did not bring any results. The Council still calls for a political solution and the party is following this same approach and policy. So there are no contradictions, because we are working on a political solution between all Syrians, whether they are loyalists or opposition. We sought to address the opposition so that they would unite on the same front of a political solution. The rejections we are receiving are the result of their agendas becoming dependent on their current alliances.
The Autonomous Administration has only one ally in America, with its changeable positions. Are you counting on the United States?
We are in the middle of a region in which Russia, Iran, Turkey and the Coalition are dominant. All contradictions must be dealt with cautiously. We did not completely reject any one party, but dealt with everyone under the invitation to contribute to solving the existing issues. We did not even wish to offend or antagonize Turkey. We spoke with Russia to be a mediator between us and the regime, except that it is clearly working in the interest of the regime with its demands that we compromise and is constantly competing with the US. We cannot guarantee that they understand our demands. However, when the Americans decided to withdraw, we did not fall, but moved aggressively to confront this change politically. Despite everything, we are always working towards unifying Syria and heading towards Damascus.